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CBD et Conduite : Comprendre les Risques et Précautions Légaux - HerBeevor

CBD and Driving: Understanding the Legal Risks and Precautions

, 2 min reading time

Driving After Consuming CBD? Know Your Rights and Precautions.

CBD, while recognized for its many health benefits without notable psychoactive effects, raises questions when it comes to driving. Recently, a case at the Rennes Court of Appeal highlighted the complexity of the situation for drivers who consume CBD. Here's what you need to know about CBD and driving, and how to protect yourself legally.

The Rennes Decision: A Turning Point for CBD and Driving

In March 2024, the Rennes Court of Appeal acquitted a driver who consumed CBD and was tried for driving under the influence of narcotics. This decision is notable because it recognizes that the consumption of legal CBD should not be equated with driving under the influence of narcotics due to the absence of psychoactive effects. However, the context of this case underlines the importance of the evidence, here supported by analyses showing a low level of THC and purchase invoices.

What Does This Decision Mean?

This decision suggests that CBD users are not automatically guilty if they test positive during a roadside check, provided they can demonstrate that the THC present in the blood is in minimal amounts and from legal products. That said, each case is unique and the legislation can vary, so caution is still advised.

Risks Associated with Different CBD Products

Full-Spectrum Products

"Full-spectrum" CBD products contain all the cannabinoid substances in the plant, including traces of THC. Even in small amounts, this can potentially lead to a positive test during a roadside check.

Broad-Spectrum Products

Conversely, “broad-spectrum” products offer a safer solution for drivers. These products contain a broad spectrum of cannabinoids, but without THC. They are therefore less likely to lead to a positive drug test.

Tips for CBD Consumers Drivers

  1. Choose Broad-Spectrum Products: To avoid legal risks, choose products without THC.
  2. Keep your receipts: In the event of an inspection, having proof of purchase can help you demonstrate the legal origin of your CBD.
  3. Blood Test in Case of Positive Test: If you test positive, immediately request a blood test to prove the low THC concentration.


The Rennes decision is a step towards a better understanding and recognition of the rights of CBD consumers, but the legal framework remains complex, especially when it comes to driving. At Herbeevor, we recommend staying informed and cautious, and choosing products that are adapted to your lifestyle and your legal obligations.

Visit our site to discover our range of broad-spectrum CBD products, ideal for drivers concerned about their legal compliance.


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